Following the most recent Welsh Government announcement we have developed a roadmap to give you information on when and how we will be able to get back on the water racing. Below you will find a table which outlines the dates when various aspects of our activity can resume and how they are allowed to resume.

The headlines
- From 26th April outdoor hospitality can open, meaning we can open the bar from this point and serve drinks outside, we will be using our newly extended outside area for this purpose with a system for buying drinks that will mean we keep everyone safe and allow us to observe social distancing. The bar will be open after sailing on Saturday 1st May and we will resume our Sunday opening Sunday 2nd May from 12 noon, it will also be open after racing on Monday 3rd May. We will be open as per normal opening hours until further notice.
- From the 26th April outdoor activity can resume for 30 people, this means we can hold sailing races. The first sail will be held on Saturday 1st May. There will be new protocols in place when it comes to getting out to the boats and how we start the races as well as what happens on the line. These protocols will be shared with you all in due course.
- The 2M social distancing rule is hindering the rowing at the moment, however single households are currently able to row together. The rule of 6 from 2 households is thankfully allowing for the boats to be made ready. For adult crew boat rowing, we hope that the re-start will be in the Welsh Government guidance (with restrictions) when organised activity for adults returns. This is due to be reviewed by Welsh Government on 22nd April.
- Cruising and motorboats- boating is a permitted form of daily exercise and you can launch and recover from publicly accessible places, marinas are now open and staying aboard is now permitted. The travel restrictions (travel within Wales only) will be lifted on the 12th April. We are now allowed to meet with no more than 6 people from 2 households.
- Moorings – Guy has asked that anyone wishing to launch in May and in need of a mooring for this purpose to please get in touch with him directly as he will prioritise those going in early.
Please remember that it is our responsibility to be as safe as we can on the water and consideration for this should be given to any activity you engage in. As the Covid officer for the club I will be involved in every aspect of our activity as we open up, in order to make sure that we are adhering to the RYA guidance as we move forward.
If you have any questions about the above please don’t hesitate to contact us through our Secretary Tim Knowles secretary@royalanglesey.org.uk.
For more information please see the RYA Cymru Wales web site and the Welsh Government guidance for a safe return to sport.
We look forward to seeing you in the bar on our first Sunday opening, on the water, and outside the club after the first race on the 1st May.